Elementor Pro vs. Free: Which Version Should You Choose?

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Elementor logo half red, half purple background

Creating a stunning website has never been easier thanks to tools like Elementor and Elementor Pro which version you should choose?

Whether you’re a seasoned web developer or a complete beginner, Elementor offers a range of features that can help you design a professional-looking site.

With both Elementor Free and Elementor Pro available, it can be tough to figure out which one is right for you. Let’s break down what each version offers so you can make the best choice for your website.

This guide will help you decide by breaking down the features, benefits, and ideal use cases for each version.

What is Elementor?

Elementor interface on green background, it is writen The #1 Page Builder Plugin For WorPress

Elementor is a powerful drag-and-drop page builder plugin for WordPress.

Launched in 2016, Elementor quickly gained popularity due to its user-friendly interface and extensive customization options.

It allows users to create custom layouts and designs without needing to know any code. It also has strong features.

Because of this, it is a popular choice for web designers of all levels.

Features of Elementor Free

Elementor Free provides a robust set of features suitable for building simple to moderately complex websites. Here are some of the key features:

  • Drag-and-Drop Editor: The core of Elementor’s appeal, this feature allows users to easily create and customize web pages without touching a line of code. The visual editor provides real-time feedback, making the design process intuitive and straightforward.
  • 30+ Basic Widgets: Access to essential elements like text, image, and button widgets. These widgets cover the basics needed for most websites, providing functionality for text blocks, images, videos, buttons, and more.
  • Templates Library: Over 100 free templates to kickstart your design. These templates are professionally designed and can be customized to fit your brand and content needs.
  • Responsive Editing: Ensure your site looks great on all devices. Elementor’s responsive design tools allow you to preview and tweak your website’s appearance on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Benefits of Using Elementor Free

Elementor interface with picture of young woman with blue eyes

Using Elementor Free comes with several advantages:

  • Cost-Free: Ideal for budget-conscious users. Since it’s free, it’s perfect for individuals and small businesses looking to build a professional website without incurring additional costs.
  • User-Friendly: Perfect for beginners with its intuitive interface. The drag-and-drop functionality, combined with the real-time editor, simplifies the web design process.
  • Community Support: Access to forums and online resources. The large Elementor community provides plenty of tutorials, forums, and user groups that can help you troubleshoot issues and learn new tips and tricks.

Ideal Use Cases for Elementor Free

Elementor Free is versatile and can be used for various types of websites. Here are some ideal use cases:

  • Personal Blogs: Simple, stylish blogs without complex features. The basic widgets and templates are more than sufficient for creating engaging blog posts and pages.
  • Small Business Websites: Basic business sites with essential information. Showcase your services, team, and contact information professionally and attractively.
  • Portfolio Sites: Showcasing work with straightforward designs. Whether you’re a photographer, designer, or writer, Elementor Free offers the tools needed to create a beautiful portfolio.

In conclusion, Elementor Free is a powerful tool that offers essential features for building attractive and functional websites.

It’s particularly suitable for those who are just starting with web design or need to create simple to moderately complex sites without any financial investment.

However, the free version has its limitations. Advanced features like pop-up builders, form integrations, and professional templates are locked behind the Pro version.

This can be a deal-breaker for businesses or larger projects that require more sophisticated functionalities.

What people say about Elementor Free

Elementor Free was perfect for my blog. The templates and widgets provided everything I needed to create a beautiful site, and the community support was incredibly helpful when I had questions.”

Features of Elementor Pro

Image with light and dark red color background with text Elementor Pro

Elementor Pro offers a lot of advanced tools and functionalities that are not available in the free version. Here are some of the standout features:

  • Theme Builder: Elementor Pro allows you to customize every aspect of your WordPress theme, including headers, footers, single post templates, and archive pages. This feature enables you to create a beautiful and unique design across your entire website.
  • Advanced Widgets: In addition to the basic widgets available in the free version, Elementor Pro includes over 60 additional widgets such as forms, sliders, price tables, and more. These widgets provide enhanced functionality and design options.
  • Forms Widget: Create custom forms for contact, registration, and more without needing a separate plugin.
  • Slides Widget: Add engaging slideshows to your site with customizable animations and designs.
  • Price Table Widget: Perfect for displaying pricing plans or packages with clear and attractive layouts.
  • Popup Builder: The Popup Builder in Elementor Pro allows you to create various types of pop-ups, including lead capture forms, announcements, and exit intents. This tool integrates seamlessly with Elementor’s visual editor, giving you complete control over the design and functionality of your pop-ups.
  • Trigger Options: Set triggers based on user behavior such as page scroll, time spent on the page, or exit intent.
  • Targeting Options: Display pop-ups on specific pages or to specific user groups to maximize their effectiveness.
  • WooCommerce Builder: For those running an e-commerce store, Elementor Pro offers advanced WooCommerce integration. Customize product pages, shop pages, and checkout pages with dedicated WooCommerce widgets.
  • Product Page Customization: Tailor the design of individual product pages to match your brand’s style.
  • Shop Page Layouts: Create unique layouts for your shop page to enhance user experience and drive sales.
  • Global Widgets: This feature allows you to create widgets that can be used across multiple pages. Any changes made to a global widget will automatically update wherever the widget is used, ensuring consistency and saving time.
  • Custom CSS: With Elementor Pro, you can add custom CSS directly to individual widgets or sections, giving you even more control over your site’s appearance.

Advantages of Upgrading to Elementor Pro

Green background of Elementor with woocommerce products like chairs

Upgrading to Elementor Pro offers several significant advantages that can transform your website:

  • Enhanced Customization: The ability to customize every part of your website, from the header to the footer, provides a level of control that is unmatched by the free version.
  • Advanced Marketing Tools: Integrated tools for creating forms, pop-ups, and other interactive elements help you generate leads and improve conversion rates.
  • High-Quality Templates: Access to over 300 professionally designed templates allows you to create stunning websites quickly and efficiently.
  • Comprehensive Support: Elementor Pro users have access to premium support, ensuring any issues or questions are resolved quickly by the Elementor team.

Ideal Use Cases for Elementor Pro

Image of Elementor Ecommerce with  products

Elementor Pro is ideal for a variety of advanced web design projects:

  • E-Commerce Sites: The advanced WooCommerce integration makes it perfect for online stores, offering tailored product and checkout pages.
  • : Large businesses can benefit from the Elementor Pro features to create professional and unique designs across their entire site.
  • Marketing Sites: For websites focused on lead generation and conversion, Elementor Pro’s marketing tools are invaluable.

For businesses, e-commerce sites, and professional portfolios, Elementor Pro is the way to go. It provides advanced features that help create a dynamic and interactive user experience.

Web designers, digital marketers, and businesses looking to maximize their site’s functionality will benefit greatly from Elementor Pro.

It offers tools that can significantly increase the user experience and streamline site management.

What people say about Elementor Pro

“Switching to Elementor Pro transformed my online store. The customization options and advanced features were exactly what I needed to take my site to the next level.”

Comparing Elementor Free vs Elementor Pro

Features Comparison:

FeatureElementor FreeElementor Pro
Basic Widgets✔️✔️
Advanced Widgets✔️
Theme Builder✔️
WooCommerce Builder✔️
Pop-up Builder✔️
Premium Templates✔️

  • Performance and Ease of Use: Both versions are user-friendly, but Elementor Pro offers more flexibility and power, especially for complex projects.
  • Customization Options: While Elementor Free provides a good range of customization options, Elementor Pro takes it to the next level with advanced design capabilities.
  • Support and Updates: Elementor Pro users get premium support and regular updates, ensuring your site stays secure and up-to-date.

Is free Elementor better than Pro Elementor? For basic needs, the free version is more then enough. However, for advanced features and professional websites, Elementor Pro is the clear winner.

Do you need both Elementor free and Elementor Pro? Yes, you do. Elementor Pro is an upgrade to the free version, so you’ll need both installed.

Think of Pro as an extra boost that adds more features and capabilities to what the free version already provides.

Cost Comparison

Elementor pricing plan for plug in

Elementor Free$0Basic widgets, drag-and-drop editor, responsive editing
Elementor Pro$59/yearAll free features + theme builder, WooCommerce builder, pop-up builder, professional templates, and more
  • Long-term Cost Considerations: Investing in Elementor Pro can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for additional plugins. The extra features can help attract more visitors and encourage them to take action on your site.
  • Return on Investment: Elementor Pro’s advanced tools can lead to a more professional and functional website, potentially increasing traffic and revenue.

Pros and Cons of Elementor Free

Image of Full Comparasion Elementor Pro VS Free

Elementor Free is a popular choice for many WordPress users, offering a range of features that make it a powerful tool for building websites.

However, like any tool, it has its strengths and weaknesses. Here are the pros and cons of using Elementor Free:

Pros of Elementor Free

  • Cost-Effective: The biggest advantage is that it’s free. This makes it an excellent option for beginners, small businesses, and anyone on a tight budget.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Elementor Free’s drag-and-drop interface is intuitive and easy to use. Even those with no coding knowledge can create attractive and functional websites.
  • Responsive Design: Websites built with Elementor Free are responsive, meaning they look great on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • Pre-Designed Templates: The free version comes with a variety of pre-designed templates that you can use to jumpstart your website design. These templates are customizable, allowing you to tweak them to fit your brand.
  • Basic Widgets: Elementor Free offers a range of basic widgets like text, images, videos, and buttons. These widgets are the building blocks for creating pages and adding content.
  • Live Editing: With Elementor Free, you can see your changes in real-time. This live editing feature allows you to make adjustments and immediately see how they affect your page.

Cons of Elementor Free

  • Limited Features: While Elementor Free offers a lot, it lacks some advanced features available in the Pro version. For instance, you won’t have access to the theme builder, pop-up builder, or advanced widgets.
  • Fewer Templates: The free version provides a limited number of templates compared to Elementor Pro. This might restrict your design options if you’re looking for something specific.
  • No Custom CSS: With the free version, you can’t add custom CSS directly through the interface. This can be a limitation if you need to make more detailed customizations.
  • Lack of Professional Support: Support for Elementor Free is limited to community forums and online documentation. If you run into issues, you might not get the immediate help you need compared to Pro users who have access to premium support.
  • Basic Widgets Only: While the basic widgets are useful, they might not be enough for more complex websites. Advanced widgets like forms, slides, and posts are only available in the Pro version.
  • Ads and Promotions: Occasionally, Elementor Free users may encounter ads or promotions encouraging them to upgrade to the Pro version. This can be a minor annoyance for some users.

In summary, Elementor Free is a fantastic tool for those starting out with web design or running small projects. It provides the essential features needed to create functional and visually appealing websites.

However, if you require more advanced functionalities or professional support, you might find the Pro version more suitable.

Pros and Cons of Elementor Pro

Elementor Pro is a popular upgrade from the free version, offering a wide array of features that can help take your website to the next level.

While it provides many benefits, it also has some drawbacks. Here’s a detailed look at the pros and cons of using Elementor Pro:

Pros of Elementor Pro

  • Advanced Widgets: Elementor Pro includes a variety of advanced widgets such as forms, sliders, and post widgets. These tools allow for more dynamic and interactive website designs.
  • Theme Builder: With the theme builder, you can customize every part of your WordPress theme, including headers, footers, and other areas. This gives you full control over your website’s appearance and layout.
  • Pop-Up Builder: The pop-up builder lets you create custom pop-ups to capture leads, promote offers, or provide information. These pop-ups are highly customizable and can be triggered based on user behavior.
  • Professional Templates: Elementor Pro offers a larger selection of professional templates that can save you time and provide inspiration for your designs. These templates are crafted to fit various industries and purposes.
  • Custom CSS: With Elementor Pro, you can add custom CSS directly within the interface. This allows for precise styling and fine-tuning of your site’s appearance.
  • Integrations: Elementor Pro integrates seamlessly with popular marketing tools like MailChimp, HubSpot, and others. This makes it easier to manage your marketing efforts directly from your website.
  • Global Widgets: Global widgets allow you to create a widget once and use it across multiple pages. Any changes made to the global widget will automatically update wherever it’s used, saving time and ensuring consistency.
  • Premium Support: Elementor Pro users have access to premium support, providing quick and reliable help when needed. This can be a significant advantage, especially for businesses relying on their website for operations.

Cons of Elementor Pro

  • Cost: Elementor Pro is a paid upgrade, which might be a drawback for those on a tight budget. The cost is ongoing, requiring an annual subscription.
  • Learning Curve: While Elementor Pro is user-friendly, the vast array of features can be overwhelming for beginners. It may take some time to learn and fully utilize all the tools available.
  • Potential for Overloading: With so many features, it’s easy to overuse widgets and animations, which can lead to slower site performance if not managed properly.
  • Compatibility Issues: Sometimes, third-party plugins or themes might not be fully compatible with Elementor Pro, causing conflicts or requiring additional troubleshooting.
  • Dependence on a Single Tool: Relying heavily on Elementor Pro means that any major changes to the plugin could significantly impact your site. It’s important to stay updated with Elementor’s developments and updates.
  • Limited to WordPress: Elementor Pro is only available for WordPress, so if you decide to switch to a different CMS, you would need to rebuild your site using different tools.

In conclusion, Elementor Pro offers a powerful set of tools that can greatly improve your website’s functionality and design.

It’s particularly beneficial for businesses and professional web designers who need advanced features and customizability.

However, it comes with a cost and requires a bit of a learning curve. Assess your needs and budget to determine if Elementor Pro is the right choice for your website.


Image of Elementor user interface in WordPress

Choosing between Elementor Free and Elementor Pro depends on your specific needs. If you’re just starting or need a simple website,

Elementor Free is an excellent choice. It’s user-friendly and powerful enough for many projects.

However, if you’re building a complex site or need advanced features, investing in Elementor Pro is worth it. Its extensive tools and capabilities can transform your website into a professional, dynamic platform.

Consider your goals, budget, and the functionalities you need to make the best decision for your site.

Frequently Asked Questions

Image of office workers and Big Screen in office with text Frequently Asked Questions

Is Elementor Free better than Elementor Pro?

For basic needs, yes. For advanced features, Pro is the right choice.

Is the free version of Elementor worth it?

Definitely, especially for beginners or simple websites.

Do I need both Elementor Free and Elementor Pro?

Yes, Elementor Pro is an upgrade to the free version.

Can you build a website with Elementor Free?

Yes, many users have built beautiful, functional websites using just the free version of Elementor.

Do I need to pay for Elementor Pro?

Yes, Elementor Pro is a paid upgrade that provides advanced features and professional support.

I hope this comparison between Elementor Pro and the free version has helped you understand the differences and benefits of each.

Whether you go with the free version for its essential features or opt for the Pro version for its advanced tools, Elementor can help you create a fantastic WordPress website.

The best choice depends on what you need and what you want to achieve with your site.

Thanks for reading, and happy building!

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